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Project Completion Kennedy’s Rd & Midland Hwy Roundabout

Ace Contractors Group Pty Ltd > Blog > Project Completion Kennedy’s Rd & Midland Hwy Roundabout

Ace Infrastructure Pty Ltd was contracted by VicRoads for the construction of a new roundabout and pavements at the intersection of Midland Hwy and Kennedy’s Rd in Mount Rowan, in Ballarat region. Scope of this project was to upgrade uncontrolled four-way intersection to a safer, wide-circulating, roundabout to eliminate the dangerous conditions that was prevailing in this intersection.

This project was funded by TAC and delivered under Victorian Safer Roads Program, as one of the Regional Roads Victoria’s ‘Zero Harm Safer Roads’ projects.

Project involved construction of a wide Roundabout at this intersection, along with heavily flared approaches to slow down and redirect traffic into a safer circular pattern. Pavement works mostly consisted of Full Depth Asphalt, while there were numerous types of pavements to accommodate the loadings of projected traffic conditions of each arm of the intersection. As any new upgraded intersection demands, this project also involved installation of new public lighting and improved drainage systems.  Bulk earthworks was a major part of works in this project as we had to lift the existing ground up to about three meters over a considerable distance to widen the existing roads and to accommodate the roundabout.  Extensive length of Guardrail installation and construction of a large box culvert bridging structure were also some other significant works completed in this project.

Working with heavy traffic in an operational intersection and undertaking works during extraordinarily wet conditions in Ballarat Region were the main challenges our construction team faced in this project. The project was completed in March 2021 and the value of the project was 3.5 Million Dollars.


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