Quality Management
ISO 9001
Environmental Management
ISO 14001
OH&S Management
ISO 45001



Victorian Electricity Supply Industry Work & Victorian Electricity Distribution Network

The Victorian Electricity Supply (VESI) and Victorian Electricity Distribution Network (VEDN) requires contractors to be prequalified to work directly or indirectly on their network or new asset that form part of their network. This requires all employees to undergo specialised initial training and follow-up refresher training as per VESI Training Matrix. 

Ace is accredited with both VEDN and VESI and prequalified with the following:

  • Powercor/ Citipower
  • Jemena
  • Ausnet
  • Essential Energy (NSW)

Ace Electrical is generally involved in the following scope of works:

  • Project Management of Complex Projects
  • Installation of underground pits, cables and conduits, foundations, concrete slabs, substation earthing.
  • LV underground service installation
  • Kiosk Substation Installation
  • LV underground construction including public lighting
  • Construction of substations and switchyards
  • Installation of street lighting including lighting to VicRoads Standard
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