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New Project Puffing Billy Railway

Ace Contractors Group Pty Ltd > Blog > New Project Puffing Billy Railway

Puffing Billy Railway (PBR) is a major tourist destination located in the Dandenong Ranges, approximately 40 km south-east of Melbourne. It receives over 500,000 visitors annually. The unprecedented growth in patronage over the last five years has highlighted the need for significant infrastructure investment and development in order to meet the needs and expectations of domestic and international tourists.

The new Visitor Centre will enhance the Puffing Billy experience by featuring a café, visitor information services, interpretations, function rooms, staff offices, retail, educational facilities and amenities.

In 2019, Kane Constructions was awarded the Contract to deliver the new Puffing Billy Railway Lakeside Visitor Centre at Emerald Lake Park in Emerald. Ace Contractors have since been awarded the External Works package on this project.

The 1st stage of External Works includes;
– new station platform & edging
– hardscape & softscape surrounding the new building
– asphalt & concrete pavements
– timber decking
– concrete walls & edges
– street furniture

Photo: Artist Impression



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