Congratulations to the ‘young leaders’ who graduated today after completing the first A.C.E program. The selected 11 participants were from various divisions and roles within Ace including Project Managers, Engineers, IT and Legal. Facilitated by Stefan Kazakis, the CEO & Founder from the Business Benchmark Group focused the program around; A- Assertiveness C- Collaboration E-...Continue Reading
Puffing Billy Railway (PBR) is a major tourist destination located in the Dandenong Ranges, approximately 40 km south-east of Melbourne. It receives over 500,000 visitors annually. The unprecedented growth in patronage over the last five years has highlighted the need for significant infrastructure investment and development in order to meet the needs and expectations of...Continue Reading
Prahran Square is a spectacular architectural community piazza area that was completed in late December 19’. The city of Stonnington’s $60 million plus transformation of the old Cato street car park in Prahran delivered around 10,000 m2 of multi-functional urban parkland that sits above the 500 space car park. It is one of the first...Continue Reading
As we mark National Reconciliation Week, ACE Contractors Group is proud to show how we are achieving positive and real outcomes for reconciliation across Australia. With this year’s theme focusing on ‘In this together’, we partnered with RAW Recruitment & Services (RAW), Native Earthworks and Monero Constructions on the Toorak Road Level Crossing removal project....Continue Reading
Ace taking mindfulness out to the construction job sites once a week via a tablet screen to improve employee well being. Read the article via the Herald Sun link belowContinue Reading
ACE Contractors Group Pty Ltd is proud to be part of the construction of this project which is anticipating to be the most sustainable shopping centre in the world. We have been responsible for works including piers / piles, capping beam and shotcrete walls for the basement of the shopping centre so far, and are...Continue Reading