As we mark National Reconciliation Week, ACE Contractors Group is proud to show how we are achieving positive and real outcomes for reconciliation across Australia. With this year’s theme focusing on ‘In this together’, we partnered with RAW Recruitment & Services (RAW), Native Earthworks and Monero Constructions on the Toorak Road Level Crossing removal project.
On Friday morning, the entire job site of over 100 people came together to pay their respects to the traditional owners of the land on which we live and work on. Rocky Vitacca, General Manager RAW and Chris Johnson, Industry Advisory RAW contributed to the morning speaking about the importance on reconciliation, Aboriginal economic participation and providing real jobs for the Aboriginal community. Allan Jones, Chief Executive Officer for RAW is quoted stating “Employment is the key to breaking the back bone of welfare dependency within our Aboriginal communities’ working with like-minded companies such as ACE Landscaping provides real opportunities in this space”.
Each and every one of us have a role to play in building relationships and communities that value and unite together as one.
Ken Bartlett, the General Manager for Ace Landscaping talked during Friday mornings toolbox presentation and was then interviewed by SEPA about ACE’s approach to Indigenous opportunities and social procurement.
On this project alone, Ace has achieved a 14% project spend on indigenous employment and has worked with various Aboriginal companies to make it happen. We commend our client SEPA, LXRP and the Victorian Government for mandating social requirements on these large projects as it gives our work substantial social benefits by giving socially & culturally disadvantaged people an opportunity of independence.
Shane Jones, the Project Manager on the Toorak Rd site has worked closely with the Aboriginal owned companies involved and is committed to continuing these partnerships on future projects together.
Together on this project, we have created new civic spaces, a playground and landscaped area with over 30,000 plants for the Stonnington community to enjoy. We minimised our impact on the environment through extensive use of recycled materials and reduced greenhouse gas emissions.