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Ace Contractors and YMCA Rebuild Partnership

Ace Contractors Group Pty Ltd > Blog > Ace Contractors and YMCA Rebuild Partnership
Ace Contractors have proudly partnered with YMCA ReBuild, a social enterprise dedicated to rebuilding young lives. Stage 1 of works together, involved the installation of 40,000 plants and trees during the construction stage of the Toorak Road Level Crossing Project. The partnership now continues as Ace Landscape Services engaged YMCA Rebuild to complete a 2 year maintenance package consisting of plant management, mowing, rubbish removal and watering.
By collaborating with YMCA Rebuild, we are providing security, stability, routine and a sense of livelihood to young people twenty-eight years and under who have been in contact with the criminal justice system, thus helping to reduce recidivism rates. ACE are pleased to share our industry knowledge and experience within the landscape/civil sector along with upskilling the crew as we work together now and on future projects.

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