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ACE Team – Meet Phil

Ace Contractors Group Pty Ltd > Blog > ACE Team – Meet Phil
Meet Phil, one of the greats in our Landscape Maintenance Division here at ACE.

Phil originally started out at ACE by helping with jobs such as mowing and brush cutting at some local sites, but in a very short time he progressed to tackling all manner of landscape maintenance tasks; laying turf, mulching, installing irrigation and driving the water truck, to mention only a few. Local sites soon changed to far-off places such as Melton, Wyndham and now even Kyneton.

Phil says one of the best aspects of his job is the team; Landscape maintenance is made up of a great bunch of young guys who have made an old bloke (his words!) very welcome and part of the team.

Phil spent most of his working life with the Dept. of Defence and Victoria Police in the area of mainframe computer systems, and for about the last 5 years he was the Manager of Mainframe Operations.
After retiring 6 years ago, and a couple of years of travelling the world (17 cruises, lucky guy), he began doing some garden maintenance 1 day a week in his local area. From there it progressed to part time work with ACE.

Living in Donvale with his wife, Phil is a family man with 2 daughters and 4 grand-kids.
Thanks Phil for being a part of our ACE family.

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