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Project Completion Olympic Boulevard

Ace Contractors Group Pty Ltd > Blog > Project Completion Olympic Boulevard
Late 2019, Ace Contractors Landscape division completed the Olympic Boulevard project works outside both AAMI Park and Hisense Arena.
It was essential that the two month fast tracked program was completed prior to the Australian Open, so our dedicated team worked long days that included night works all while other major events took place at the stadiums.

The project was on behalf of the City of Melbourne and the Department of Justice as part of the Melbourne Protective Security Enhancement Program.
Scope of works included traffic management, excavations, NDD excavations, arborist supervision, drainage, irrigation, installation of heavy vehicle mitigation infrastructure – bollards & blocks, asphalt, concreting and landscaping. ACE also worked and managed multiple assets and authorities such as CityLink, Citipower, VicRoads and City of Melbourne.

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