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Men’s Health Week in Australia

Ace Contractors Group Pty Ltd > Blog > Men’s Health Week in Australia

It’s Men’s Health Week in Australia and now more than ever, it is critical for all businesses to create awareness for men’s health issues both physically and mentally.
A frightening statistic in our industry is that construction workers are six times more likely to die by suicide than through a workplace accident.
We at Ace Contractors take an active role in supporting and discussing mental health each and every day.

Graham Cock interviewed Grant Coulthard, a construction worker for Ace for over 15 years, on how he has dealt with stress and anxiety. The touching interview was shared to all 275 of our employees and we applaud him for sharing his journey.

Grant was quoted “I think it’s very important to be able to talk about stress, anxiety and mental illness. In this modern world it is very easy to become disconnected from yourself. These issues can be compounded with additional triggers like what we are facing at the moment. I think being a male dominated industry, there is a belief we simply have to man up and tough it out and that’s why it’s important to keep the conversation open without fear of judgement”.

Please always check in with a mate, family member or a colleague for support.


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