Quality Management
ISO 9001
Environmental Management
ISO 14001
OH&S Management
ISO 45001

Sewer Pump Stations Switchboard Upgrade

ProjectSewer Pump Station Switchboard
LocationPhillip Island Vic
ClientWestern Port Water

Sewer Pump Station Switchboard Upgrade

Western Port Water required electrical switchboard upgrade at two sewer pump stations on Phillip Island namely; Hayley Ave SPS and Potters Rd SPS. These stations were built many years ago and required upgrade to improve reliability and meet current standards. 

Ace Electrical was appointed as the head contractor for this design, fabricate, supply and installation contract.

Ace Electrical was involved in the following scope of works:

  • Design and fabricate new switchboard and control system
  • Preparation and implementation of detailed changeover methodology
  • Supply and installation of new switchboard and control system
  • Progressive cutover of pumps, instrumentation and controls to new system
  • Disconnect remove and dispose old switchboard
  • Commissioning of new switchboard and all equipment.
  • Update O&M manuals, as built drawings and asset register.

Upgrade works carried out while maintaining continuity of pump stations operation in order to manage sewage flows during the Switchboard replacement works.

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